New and returning students with life threatening medical conditions are required to have the appropriate paperwork completed and delivered to the main office.
OCDSB 285 - Self Admin Oral Med Authorization
(students are authorized to administer their own medication)
OCDSB 286 - Administration of Oral Medication Authorization
(staff is required to administer or supervise the administration of oral mediation)
OCDSB 405 - Emergency Use of Auto-Injector Authorization (EpiPen)
OCDSB 616 - Severe, Life Threatening Allergy Protocol Registration
OCDSB 802 - Severe Medical Conditions Protocol Registration
OCDSB 902 - Diabetes Emergency Treatment Protocol Registration
Medical Condition
Form 802
Form 616
Must be signed by Allergist or Physician
Form 405
Must be signed by Allergist or Physician
Form 286
Must be signed by Allergist or Physician
Form 285
Must be signed by Allergist or Physician
Form 902
✔️ (If providing Benadryl)
(If the student has permission to carry puffer in backpack and self-administer)
✔️ (If providing medication)
Other serious medical condition
✔️ (If providing medication)
Parents are strongly encouraged to provide a Medic Alert bracelet for students with serious medical conditions. This service is free of charge for school-aged children ages 4 to 14.