
Elmdale Council uses a program called HotLunches to help administer council programs such as Fun Fair, the Arts Calendar, School Directory and of course, Pizza & Sub Days. Here are some key things you should know about Hotlunches:

  • Participation is optional
  • By registering, you are not committed to purchase anything
  • Registering ensures you are receiving emails from Council about lunch ordering, Elmdale events and other news from School Council

School Directory

Once registered, you have the option of being included in the printed school directory: this is published once per year in the fall, and includes the names and contact information of the teachers, staff and families that make up Elmdale. 

COST: $2 – covers the cost of printing. 

Lunch Program

Council runs a lunch program of Pizza and Subs on alternating Fridays through Pizza Pizza and Subway. By registering with Hotlunches you will receive emails alerting you to the ordering periods for each term.

The lunch program runs on volunteers and raises a significant number of funds for council each year.

Bridgehead Coffee

We’ve also set up coffee orders with local coffee shop Bridgehead to buy coffee directly. These orders are done at the same time as the pizza and sub orders.

 If you have any questions you can reach our volunteer Hot Lunch coordinator Amanda Ethier at [email protected].

 Here are some frequently asked questions and answers:

Q. What is the access code required when I register?

A. The access code is EDHL

Q.  Why is my name not in the Elmdale Family Directory?

A.  Families must opt-in to the printed directory.  When registering, please click on the box ‘Would you like to appear in the printed school directory’?

Q. When registering, it says the phone number is optional. Does it matter?

A. The phone number is optional but if you do not enter a number and choose to be listed in the directory you will NOT have a telephone number listed with your entry.  Additional phone numbers may be provided in the Contact Information tab.  Work numbers are never printed.  Don’t give a cell number if you don’t want it printed.

Q.  If I was registered last year do I need to register again?

A. Yes. Because of privacy reasons, the system is cleared out at the beginning of every school year so all data has been wiped clean.

Q.  I don't buy lunches for my kids, why would I want to register?

A. The only way to get listed in the Elmdale Family Directory is by registering in the system. NO PURCHASES ARE REQUIRED TO REGISTER. Once registered you can CHOOSE which things you would like to participate in.

Q. When I register, it only takes MY name. How can I add my spouse/partner?

A. If you would like more than one parent contact, simply "Add Contact". All contact information provided will appear in the directory next to your child. 

Q. Why does the system say my child is already registered?

A. The system allows for one “family” account for each child. This prevents orders being placed for the same child by different parents. If your child resides separately with both parents, simply send us an email at [email protected] and we will be able to help you. 

Q. What is the Elmdale Arts Calendar?

A. This School calendar is produced by school council every year with art work from our Elmdale students during the previous year. It lists key dates such as Friday lunch dates (is it pizza or subs this week), ordering deadlines, school holidays and PA Days, and council meetings.  It is a wall calendar that has large spaces for organizing notes.

Q. Will my child get coffee at school?

A. Council has made a deal with Bridgehead Coffee to support school fundraising activities and provide a discount on the bags of coffee beans or ground coffee that we order.  There are several times during the year that we can place orders for coffee so don't be too disappointed if you miss one.

Q. What should I do if I want to order both coffee beans and ground coffee of the same roast?

A. If you have more than 1 child, make 2 orders -- one for ground coffee, one for beans.  If not, then email us at [email protected].

Q. My child hates the kind of sub we ordered and he has 5 more in the session. Is there anything I can do?

A. You will not be able to make the change online however email us at [email protected].  As long as the changes are done at least one week in advance, changes can be made.

Q. Can’t we get anything besides cheese pizza?

A. I am afraid the answer is no. Typically last year we were handing out over 700 slices of pizza to over 400 children in a 10 minute period. Given the time frame and the number of volunteers, at this point we are unable to offer.


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